Kevin Ferarra

Kevin Ferarra

Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Pledge Class: Spring 2010
Year: ‘10
Major: Business Administration
Birthday: 04/23/1987
Screename: status180311

Other School Activities: I go to all the events that give out free stuff!

Hobbies: Spelunking, anything on a board (except water boarding), reading, all sports, and chillin’ out like it’s going out of style.

Why did you join Phi Delta Psi? For many reasons; one is the ability to always have a group of guys who will help you out to the best of their abilities, and two, to make some friends that will actually remain friends after you depart on your own career and life path.

Favorite memory since joining: Guachos is up there, but the Beach Party was quite the shindig… we should have a repeat then a 3peat.

Future Goals: To become a high powered business Exec. in some giant corporation, most likely in the healthcare industry. Then eventually open up a restaurant in Florida or a tropical Island. And of course, the classic wife and 2 kids – a nice home and family life is always a great goal to set.

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